… ihr Name ist Deliza, genannt „Elli“, 11 Jahr alt, braun, Baden-Württemberger Brand mit Holsteiner Wurzeln (De Chirico-Chambertin-Alcatraz-Calypso I) ... [more]
I would like to show this great photo of the vaulting group from St. Isidor dressed up for Christmas.[more]
Floodlight premiere, rain shower, super response - these are the keywords for the tournament in Hagen, our last outdoor tournament in this very special (Corona) season.[more]
Even if it is not a time to celebrate at the moment, it is especially a time to reflect and be grateful.[more]
We arrived back home safely after our tournament tour in Germany with a successful stopover in Ankum.[more]
Very, very, very satisfied, super great sport and party atmosphere in the hall - this is the short summary of our first international tournament this year - for which we were in Neumünster for the first time.[more]
... the end of the year has brought a lot with it - among other things an Olympic qualification and the new world ranking list.[more]
First Rocky - now Benny. My both horses are really a madness!!!!![more]
In October we started together for the first time - his very first GP - and today he wins the Special in Salzburg‼️‼️ with 72,149%. [more]
We arrived home safely from the tournament in Oldenburg.[more]
Kira Wulferding and our Breitling W-son started with a sovereign round in Warendorf. [more]
The CDI Achleiten is over and we draw a super positive balance![more]
Phew, we would say that we can stand a lot - but the heat in Fritzens was really an "oven".[more]
Munich ended for us with three wins, a second, a fourth and a sixth place. This is a great result, as the show was incredibly strong and our horses are still at the beginning of their careers. [more]
This year we were at the Mannheim Maimarkt tournament for the first time - and we'd definitely like to come again - that's for sure![more]
We finished our indoor season this year with the strongly occupied CDI4* at the Magna-Racino in Ebreichsdorf - and it was a "mega" weekend! But everything in order...[more]
When you spend 23 years together, you not only know each other very, very well, but you can't imagine life without each other.[more]
In the last special stage we took part in this weekend Stefan and I "managed" something very strange - we were exactly equal on points in the GP of Ebreichsdorf.[more]
„Valli“ ging wie am Schnürchen durch die Vorbereitungsaufgabe für Junge Reiter – dabei war das für den gerade achtjährigen Westfalen-Hengst sein erster Auftritt in einer S-Dressur ausserhalb der Jungpferde-Tour![more]
Our "stable duel" in the Inter II of Ebreichsdorf went out in favour of Benaglio.[more]
What a debut: for his first start at the Austrian National Championship Stefan Lehfellner immediately received a medal. [more]
Nächste Turnierstation war das nationale Dressurturnier in Steyr, zu dem wir Di Navarone, Fackeltanz OLD und Valentina mitnahmen – und aus vier Prüfungen vier Schleifen mitbrachten.[more]
Perfektes Coming Out von Lola VMT beim Turnier in Wels.[more]
„Stars von Morgen“ – so lautete der Titel der Serie beim Turnier in München/GER und ich finde, dass er perfekt passt für Benaglio.[more]
Mit der Inter II in Ankum war es Benaglio‘s erste Prüfung in Richtung Grand Prix.[more]
Das Ende des Jahres ist immer ein Moment, in dem man sich die vielen schönen Momente der vergangenen zwölf Monate noch einmal ins Gedächtnis ruft ...[more]
Roberto Carlos entwickelt sich weiter prächtig und setzt seine Siegesserie in Prüfungen der Klasse S fort.[more]
Beim nationalen Dressurturnier in Magna Racino in Ebreichsdorf, das wegen des hohen Nennungsergebnisses sogar auf zwei Vierecken parallel ausgetragen werden musste, gingen Fackeltanz OLD und Stefan Lehfellner von vielen im...[more]
Sapperlot hat seinen 14-Tage-Test in Neustadt/D. mit guten Bewertungen abgeschlossen.[more]
Ja!! Wir haben den Bundesländer-Titel gewonnen – und unheimlich viel Spaß dabei gehabt![more]
In der A-Dressurpferdeprüfung von St. Margarethen waren meine selbstgezogene Santa Francesca VMT und Stefan Lehfellner nicht zu schlagen.[more]
Unsere Pferde sind wohlbehalten in Göteborg/SWE angekommen und haben ein erstes Training im wirklich beeindruckenden Ullevi-Stadion absolviert.[more]
Seinen halben runden Geburtstag hat mein Vater auf unserem Gestüt Vorwerk in Cappeln/GER gefeiert.[more]
Auf dem Weg zur EM nach Göteborg/SWE haben wir einen Zwischestopp auf unserem Gestüt Vorwerk in Cappeln/GER eingelegt.[more]
Nicht nur mit Benaglio, auch mit unserer selbstgezogenen Albertina MT bin ich in Steyr erstmals ins Wettkampfviereck eingeritten.[more]
Gleich einen Doppelsieg verbuchten Benaglio und ich bei unserer Turnierpremiere in Steyr.[more]
Überlegener Doppelsieg für Blind Date bei Dressur Cappeln International.[more]
Neuerliche Erfolge für Roberto Carlos MT und seinen Ausbilder Stefan Lehfellner.[more]
Die von mir gezogene Djakarta VMT absolvierte eine gute Stutenleistungsprüfung in Münster/GER.[more]
Das war knapp – mit gerademal 0,70 Prozentpunkten musste sich Blind Date im Grand Prix Special von Fritzens lediglich Vancouver K unter Judy Reynolds/IRL geschlagen geben.[more]
Ja!! Blind Date belegte mit 72,34 Prozent Rang drei im topbesetzten Grand Prix beim CDI4* auf dem Schindlhof. [more]
Unsere Grand Prix-Premiere stand für Lord Leopold und mich in Steyr an – und die stimmt mich super positiv für unsere gemeinsame Zukunft.[more]
Für Della Cavalleria OLD und mich stand der Grand Prix von Steyr, den wir gewonnen haben, vor allem im Zeichen eines Trainingstests unter Turnierbedingungen.[more]
Für Stefan Lehfellner waren seine beiden Starts auf Fackeltanz OLD in der Inter A und B von Steyr eine Premiere – in dieser Prüfungsklasse mit Piaffe und Passage.[more]
Drei Starts, drei Siege für Pathetique und Stefan Lehfellner in der Kleinen Tour von Steyr.[more]
Auf den Sieg von Santa Francesca VMT in der A-Dressurpferdeprüfung von Steyr bin ich sehr stolz.[more]
Bvlgari und Victoria Wurzinger dominierten die Junioren-Tour in Steyr, die auch als Sichtung ausgeschrieben war.[more]
Gelungener Turnierstart von Santa Francesca VMT und Stefan Lehfellner in Wels.[more]
Tolle Steigerung von Romanze MT in der M-Dressur von Stadl Paura.[more]
Nach dem Sieg von Albertina MT in der ersten LP, war sie auch in der zweiten LP-Prüfung von Stadl Paura nicht zu schlagen.[more]
Im neuerlichen Stallduell von Pathetique und Lord Leopold ließ letzterer ganz gentleman-like der „Dame“ den Vortritt.[more]
Überlegener Sieg von Albertina MT in der LP-Prüfung von Stadl Paura.[more]
Das interne Stallduell in der Inter I von Stadl Paura entschied Pathetique zu ihren Gunsten.[more]
Valparaiso machte mit seiner 8,5 in der L-Dressurpferdeprüfung von Ebreichsdorf das erfolgreiche Turnierwochenende für uns komplett.[more]
Grandioses Debüt von Flying Dancer OLD und Stefan Lehfellner beim CDN Magna Racino.[more]
Bei unserem ersten gemeinsamen Turnierauftritt beim CDN in Ebreichsdorf gewann Donna Caribica überlegen die FEI Junge Reiter Mannschaftsaufgabe. [more]
Doppelerfolg für unseren Reitclub Achleiten beim CDN Magna Racino.[more]
Off to a good start in the indoor season: in Ankum/GER Santa Francesca VMT, a mare I bred, placed third in a first level test for young dressage horses. [more]
With more than 130 invited guests, my mother celebrated her 60th birthday at Schloss Kammer am Attersee.[more]
After finishing second in the Grand Prix, Della Cavalleria OLD also took second place in the Grand Prix Freestyle of Fritzens – this time she just just barely behind the winners, Söhnlein Brilliant MJ and Belinda Weinbauer.[more]
Della Cavalleria OLD took second place in the Grand Prix of Fritzens, which is also the first evaluation test for the Austrian State Championships, with 71.22 percent. [more]
Della ended the Olympic Grand Prix in the fabulous equestrian stadium of Deodoro/BRA with 71.12 percent.[more]
We were able to welcome an eminent visitor in our stable area at the Olympic Horse Center in Deodoro/BRA: [more]
We are now intensively preparing for the Grand Prix which will be held on Wednesday and Thursday in the Olympic Equestrian stadium. [more]
Our stay in Rio/BRA is really nice so far. [more]
We have now been able to work out in the stadium at Deodoro Olympic Park.[more]
At the moment we still have time to take a look around Rio/BRA.[more]
The adventure Olympic Games in Rio/BRA has begun.[more]
Della Cavalleria OLD won not only the Grand Prix but also the Special at Dressur Cappeln International.[more]
At the show Dressur Cappeln International, Lord Leopold and I had our first victory abroad.[more]
Our youngsters did a great job at Cappeln International.[more]
What a great way to end the show in Achleiten: with 74.54 percent, Blind Date won the Grand Prix Special by a clear margin.[more]
Della Cavalleria OLD won her first Grand Prix Freestyle after having also won the Grand Prix of the CDI Achleiten.[more]
Blind Date took second in the Grand Prix qualifier for the Special at the CDI in Achleiten with 74.70 percent.[more]
Lord Leopold and I made our debut in the small tour with a great performance at the CDI4* in Achleiten.[more]
At the CDI Achelten our young horses were convincing right down the line. [more]
With 74.17 percent, Blind Date finished the Freestyle of the CDI5* at the Pferd International Show on fourth place.[more]
Just like in the Grand Prix, Della Cavalleria OLD took third place in the Special of the DCI3*** Tour in Munich.[more]
Blind Date took 8th place in the 5-star Grand Prix at the Pferd International Show in Munich/GER with 71.46 percent.[more]
Della Cavalleria OLD took third place in the CDI3* Grand Prix of Munich/GER.[more]
Great start for Fackeltanz OLD at the show in Stadl-Paura.[more]
In the novice level test for young dressage horses in Stadl-Paura, Lilliano OLD scored "very good" three times for her presentation. [more]
In our first ride together in an FEI Young Rider preparation test, Fackeltanz OLD won the test with 74.16 percent.[more]
Lilliano OLD won the novice (A) level test for young dressage horses in Stadl-Paura, ahead of Brunetti MT.[more]
Valparaiso won the elementary (L) level test for young dressage horses in Stadl-Paura.[more]
Jeanny, Der Kommissar, Rock Me Amadeus – Blind Date seemed to love the music by Falco.[more]
Della Cavalleria also did a very good job in the Grand Prix Special of Stadl-Paura and took second place, just like in the Grand Prix qualifier, with 72,27 percent.[more]
While Blind Date won the Grand Prix qualifier for the Freestyle on Easter Monday in Stadl-Paura, her stable mate, Della Cavalleria OLD, rode in the Grand Prix Special tour – and finished second.[more]
At the CDI3* in Stadl-Paura, Blind Date sovereignly won the Grand Prix qualifier for the Freestyle with 73.40 percent.[more]
150 days ahead of Rio it's now official: I have a ticket to represent Austria at the Olympic Games.[more]
Della Cavalleria OLD couldn't be beat in the Grand Prix of Magna Racino in Ebreichsdorf/AUT.[more]
Pathetique won the St. Georges of Magna Racino in Ebreichsdorf.[more]
Our very first test together at a show ended in a double victory: Di Navarone won the medium level dressage test in Stadl-Paura with 74.95 percent and the FEI Junior test with 73.96 percent.[more]
Our Rosandro daughter named Romanze MT and Stefan Lehfellner won a test. [more]
Divina Comedia won a novice level test for young dressage horses in Stadl-Paura. [more]
Lord Leopold has taken up residence with us in Achleiten.[more]
Lilliano OLD won the novice level test for young dressage horses at the Tuesday Show in Stadl-Paura. He was followed by Brunello de Montalcino and Adele MT.[more]
I wish all friends, acquaintances and fans a Happy New Year 2016![more]
Blind Date was again convincing in the World Cup Freestyle at the Mevisto Amadeus Horse Indoors.[more]
Blind Date took fifth place in the Grand Prix of the World Cup tour at the Mevisto Amadeus Horse Indoors.[more]
A straight good (8.0) meant another victory for Romanze MT and Stefan Lehfellner in the LM class dressage test in Stadl Paura. [more]
Brunello di Montalcino VMT, who we bred ourselves, couldn't be beat in the novice level test for young dressage horses in Stadl Paura and won with a score of 8.3.[more]
Valparaiso, the four-year old Reserve Champions of the Westphalian Licensing, won the novice level test for young dressage horses in Stadl Paura.[more]
Thanks to two nice tests with Blind Date at the Austrian State Championships in Steyr, I took my 13th title in a row. For "Beate" it was the second success at the Championships at national level, after also winning in 2014. [more]
Della Cavalleria gewann in Steyr den Grand Prix.[more]
Our Westphalian stallion placed third under Eva Deimel/GER in the international Youngster Tour of Münster.[more]
With much sadness, we had to have Weinrausch put down at the age of 23.[more]
After 75.20 percent and tenth place in the Grand Prix, Blind Date fell back after the EC Special of Aachen/GER to the 21st place with 69.41 percent.[more]
Brilliant EC debut: In their very first international championships, Blind Date took tenth place with 75.20 percent in the Grand Prix of Aachen/GER. [more]
Blind Date won the Grand Prix qualifier for the Special at Dressur Cappeln International with 75.76 percent.[more]
In his very first Freestyle after a longer break between competitions, Augustin OLD broke the 80 percent mark in Fritzens.[more]
In the Intermediaire I San Francisco OLD was even better than in the St. Georges and took second place.[more]
Augustin clearly won the Grand Prix Freestyle qualifier at the Shindlhof in Fritzens with 75,80 percent.[more]
Donna Caribica and San Francisco OLD placed second and third in the St. Georges under Wibke Bruns/GER at the Schindlhof owned by the Haim-Swarovski family.[more]
After winning the Grand Prix, Blind Date also won the Special of Achleiten.[more]
Eichendorff took second place with a very lively ride in the Freestyle at the 4-star CDI4* in Achleiten.[more]
Very high temperatures at our 4-star CDI at Schloss Achleiten - and Blind Date and Eichendorff were again in great form.[more]
The Florencio son easily won the Inter A and B in Nussloch. [more]
Kira Wulferding and our Rosandro daughter won a novice (A) level test for young dressage horses.[more]
Ridden by his trainer, Dorothee Schneider, Fackeltanz OLD easily won the Intermediaire II.[more]
At the CDN in Steyr our Sartors Showtime won the medium level dressage test with 8.0.[more]
San Francisco OLD was nearly six percentage ahead of competitors in the test for Young Riders at the CDN Steyr.[more]
Double victory for Luizao in the Inter II and in the Grand Prix of Steyr.[more]
In the current issue of the horse magazine "Pferdesport International", Augustin OLD is the "Prominent Horse" ...[more]
The colt took the 2nd Reserve Champion title at the 4th Oldenburg Saddle Licensing.[more]
Blind Date showed off just as much as Eichendorff with a double victory in Stadl-Paura.[more]
After winning the Grand Prix qualifier, Eichendorff also won the Special of the CDI3* in Stadl-Paura.[more]
The two foals by Escolar and August der Starke were born in March at our Gestüt Vorwerk.[more]
Blind Date's first two tests this season ended with a double victory.[more]
Eichendorf took second place twice in the Special Tour of the CDI4* of Graz.[more]
Albertina, a daughter of our Rosandro, took second place in a novice (A) level test for young dressage horses in Ankum/GER.[more]
We have managed to find a very special horse for our show stables - a participant at the 2014 Bundeschampionat in Warendorf/GER named Lilliano OLD who received a lot of interest.[more]
A perfecte debut: At the CDN Weikersdorf our new horse Lilliano OLD won the novice (A) level test for young dresage horses with very high scores. [more]
Perfect start of the season at the CDN in Weikersdorf. [more]
Luizao did a great job starting off the season in Weikersdorf. [more]
In the scope of the Gala Evening at the Southern German licensing, the Stalypso son was awarded the Diamant Prize.[more]
On the 25th of January a filly by the stallion Exposé was born at our Gestüt Vorwerk in Cappeln/GER.[more]
At Gestüt Vorwerk our mares Amourette and Quilalea opened the foal year 2015.[more]
In his very first Grand Prix in Münster/GER, Fackeltanz OLD finished fourth.[more]
The year got off with a victory for Fackeltanz OLD.[more]
Just before the year ended, we had a nice surprise at Gestüt Vorwerk in Cappeln/GER.[more]
I would like to wish all our friends and acquaintances a Merry Christmas 2014.[more]
It was a great success for Wiener Classic and her rider Wibke Bruns to be in the Burg Pokal Final even if things didn't quite end the way we would have liked. [more]
Today Wiener Classic rode in the warm-up test for the Nürnberg Burg Pokal Final tomorrow with the best young German horses. [more]
After winning the Grand Prix, Blind Date also sovereignly won the Freestyle.[more]
We couldn't have gotten off to a better start at the Mevisto Amadeus Horse Indoors.[more]
At the Oldenburg Hengsttage in Vechta/GER, a Roi du Soleil son as well as a San Francisco son were licensed.[more]
After winning the Grand Prix, Blind Date couldn't be beat in the Freestyle of the Vienna Dressage Masters in Ebreichsdorf either.[more]
Wiener Classic, who is qualified for the Burg Pokal, confirmed that she is in top form.[more]
After winning the Grand Prix, Blind Date also won the Grand Prix Freestyle at the Austrian State Championships held at Gutenhof in Himberg with 79.12 percent! [more]
Blind Date got off to a great start at the State Championships held at Gutenhof in Himberg.[more]
Our Westphalian stallion took seventh place in the first qualifier for the Youngster Championships in Warendorf.[more]
With 81.03 percent (!!!) Augustin OLD took sixth place again in the Freestyle Final after placing sixth in the Grand Prix as well as in the Special. [more]
I still can't really believe it: After sixth in the Grand Prix we places sixth again the Special of the World Equestrian Games in the Normany/FRA.[more]
Augustin OLD finished sixth with 77.11 percent in the Grand Prix for the WEG team evaluation in Caen/FRA.[more]
Our first two team riders achieved good results in the Nations Cup of the World Equestrian Games in the Normandy/FRA.[more]
After having complaied about the heat at our show in Cappeln, it feels like we now need a hat and scarf at the WEG in Caen/FRA.[more]
Blind Date and Wiener Classic have the honor of being on the cover page of the current issue of the German horse magazines, Der Hannoveraner and Pferdeforum. [more]
Our Florencio I son won two tests right away under his rider, Dorothee Schneider in Langen. [more]
With 74.92 percent, Augustin OLD sovereignly won the Grand Prix Special of Dressur Cappeln International.[more]
Again double success for Wibke Bruns/GER in the small tour of Dressur Cappeln International.[more]
Blind Date won the Freestyle at Dressur Cappeln International which was held for the first time.[more]
Schickeria took second place in the St. Georges of Cappeln.[more]
A doublt victory right on the first day of Dressur Cappeln International's premiere at Gestüt Vorwerk in Cappeln/GER. [more]
The 20th Manfred Swarovski Memorian Show began with a fourth place for Wiener Classic.[more]
Sternenfänger OLD and Kira Wulferding got off to a good start in the Weser-Ems Championships in Cloppenburg/GER.[more]
After winning the Grand Prix, Augustin OLD also won the Freestyle of Achleiten.[more]
After winning the St. Georges yesterday, our Fackeltanz OLD was in a class of his own again today in te Inter I of Munich/GER.[more]
Our Fackeltanz OLD won his very first dressage test at the Pferd International Show in Munich/GER.[more]
Our youngest foals, Emirates, Esterházy and Guatemala, have developed magnificently at Gestüt Vorwerk in Cappeln/GER. [more]
Sternenfänger OLD took third place in the St. Georges of Haftenkamp/GER.[more]
Chocolat MT won the test for young dressage horses in Steyr with 8.6.[more]
First and second place in the St. Georges of Steyr went to San Francisco OLD and Wiener Classic – both ridden by Wibke Bruns.[more]
San Francisco OLD, Rosandro and Luizao were the winners at this year's first outdoor show in Steyr.[more]
Quotilas, who I bred myself, won the test for young riding horses at Gut Weiglschwaig in Moosburg/GER under Uwe Schwanz/GER.[more]
In der Grand Prix Kür von Stadl-Paura entschied Augustin OLD die Konkurrenz erneut in überegener Manier.[more]
Augustin OLD couldn't be beat in the Grand Prix of the CDI3* in Stadl-Paura.[more]
Another colt was born today at Gestüt Vorwerk in Cappeln/GER.[more]
Our mares and foals at Gestüt Vorwerk in Cappeln/GER are now enjoying sunshine for the first time outdoors.[more]
Unsere zuletzt geborenen Fohlen haben inzwischen auch Namen erhalten.[more]
Our Fackeltanz OLD received 74.20 percent in the St, Georges at the show in Walldorf/GER.[more]
Die Plätze eins und zwei im St. Georges von Stadl-Paura gingen an San Francisco OLD und Wiener Classic.[more]
San Francisco OLD made a successful debut in advanced (S) level dressage in Stadl-Paura![more]
An addition was made to our herd of foals at Gestüt Vorwerk in Cappeln.[more]
Victory number two for our San Francisco OLD at the CDN in Stadl-Paura.[more]
They are called Granada, Barrichello. Diamond of Eternity und Balotelli ...[more]
The indoor at our Gestüt Vorwerk in Cappeln/GER is getting a new row of windows.[more]
Another victory for our "Franz".[more]
My mare Liebelei (by Diamond Hit) gave birth to a colt by Breitling W last night. [more]
Our Roi du Soleil is the sire of the USDF GOV National Champion Yearling 2013.[more]
Our Sakrileg made a grand debut in Gothenburg, Sweden. [more]
Our Rosandro daughter placed in a test for young dressage horses last weekend in Ankum. [more]
San Fransisco OLD received scores above 76 percent in the LP5 of Stadl-Paura.[more]
With a sovereign victory, our Roseborough made his debut in elementary (L) level tests for young dressage horses in Stadl-Paura.[more]
In the latest issue of the German horse magazine, "Züchterforum" there is an article about August der Starke's Elfenröschen mare line.[more]
Eichendorff took second place in der Grand Prix Freestyle of Graz.[more]
Sternenfänger OLD got off to a great start this season.[more]
Eichendorff took third place in the Grand Prix of Graz with 70.52 percent.[more]
For the very first time, the famous series in the Nürnberg Burg Pokals will have a station abroad - at our CDI in Achleiten from June 12th to 15th. [more]
At our Gestüt Vorwerk in Cappeln/GER there are now also Vorwerk chickens.[more]
Today there were three further victories to celebrate at the CDN Magna Racino.[more]
Perfect entrance at the show in Ebreichsdorf: San Francisco OLD and Luizao both win their tests.[more]
Fackeltanz OLD and Dorothee Schneider also set the standard in the Intermediaire I for seven to ten-year old horses. [more]
Two more foals were born at our Gestüt Vorwerk in Cappeln/GER.[more]
With 73.68 percent, Fackeltanz OLD won the St. Georges of Münster/GER.[more]
Romanze received a 9.5 for her trot in a novice (A) level test for young dressage horses in Ankum/GER. [more]
Ehrenvoll took third place in his very first elementary (L) level dressage test. [more]
"Beate" was so successful last year that she ranked eighth among the most successful German horses.[more]
We wish all friends, fans and supporters all the best for the coming year. [more]
Austrian Olympian Sissy Max-Theurer are looking for an assistent trainer at her gorgeous dressage stable at Castle Achleiten in Austria.[more]
Our Deauville gave birth to a bautiful and healthy filly. [more]
A colt I bred by Belissimo M-Weltmeyer was approved at the late Westfälisches Pferdestammbuch licensing in Münster-Handorf/GER. [more]
After his second place in the Grand Prix, Eichendorff placed second again in the Special of Salzburg.[more]
We are very relieved - Augustin is just fine again![more]
As nice as Eichendorff's second place in the Grand Prix was, it's all the more sad that we had to withdraw Augustin from the test we had planned for him in Salzburg.[more]
We got off to a very successful start at the Pappas Amadeus Horse Indoors in Salzburg. Eichendorff took second place in the Grand Prix yesterday. [more]
We purchased Dobrowsky at the Westphalian Stallion Market in Münster-Handorf/GER.[more]
Unser Rosandro zählt, laut FN-Zuchtwertschätzung, zu den besten Rittigkeitsvererbern in Deutschland.[more]
Augustin OLD received 72.16 percent in the Special of Stuttgart.[more]
Eichendorff finished ninth in the World Cup Freestyle of Stuttgart/GER with 74.77 percent.[more]
Augustin OLD took third place in the Grand Prix qualifier for the Special at the German Masters in Stuttgart.[more]
Off to a great start at the German Masters in Stuttgart.[more]
At the dressage show in Ankum/GER our four-year old stallion Ehrenfoll won the novice (A) level test for young dressage horses with 8.4.[more]
One of the sons of our Rosandro was admitted to the Oldenburg Verband licensing in Vechta/GER. [more]
Gelungener Start in die Hallensaison für unseren Sakrileg.[more]
Eichendorff got off very nicely in the Grand Prix of the Vienna Masters held in front of the Vienna Town Hall. [more]
It poured rain - but being able to ride in front of the impressive backdrop of the Town Hall, the Burg Theater, Parliament and the old University of Vienna is something very special. [more]
Eichendorff and I just won my eleventh State Championship title in a row at the Gutenhof show in Himberg.[more]
Eichendorff was in excellent shape and very ambitious in the Grand Prix at Gutenhof in Himberg.[more]
My broodmare Liebelei is on the front cover of the latest edition of the German horse magazine, St. Georg.[more]
Rosandro was the undisputed winner of the St. Georges in Wels.[more]
Biedermeier and Wibke Bruns continued their series of victories at the show in Haid-Nettingsdorf.[more]
Today you saw dressage sport at the EC in Herning/DEN that gave you goose bumps.[more]
Augustin OLD received 75.11 percent in the Special of the EC in Herning/DEN which meant tenth place.[more]
We got off to a really great start in the European Championships in Herning, Denmark, today. I am really happy!!!![more]
The first half of the Grand Prix at the der EC in Herning/DEN is over - and our Austrian team Austria had a great start. [more]
The horses on our Austrian team all went through the VET check today with flying colors. [more]
We has our first workout in the stadium in Herning/DEN today.[more]
Austria is sending two teams to the European Championships in Herning, Denmark.[more]
We set up ou EC training camp at our Gestüt Vorwerk in Cappeln, located in Lower Saxony, Germany. [more]
With such a magnificent backdrop under floodlights in Perl-Borg, Augustin OLD was in a great mood for the Grand Prix Freestyle.[more]
Fackeltanz OLD and Dorothee Schneider /GER took second place in the Inter I at the Peterhof Dressur Gala in Perl-Borg, Saarland. [more]
Augustin OLD took second place in the Grand Prix qualifier for the Freestyle in Perl-Borg. [more]
The St. Georges in Perl-Borg/GER ended with a fourth place for Della Cavalleria OLD and first place for Fackeltanz OLD.[more]
Dorothee Schneider and Fackeltanz celebrated two successful moments this weekend in Fritzens.[more]
When the CHIO in Aachen/GER was over, there was a special honor for me - the award of the Piaff Sponsorship Prize in memory of Liselott Schindling.[more]
I have no explanation for it - but just before the pirouettes in the Freestyle of Aachen, Augustin OLD started to shake his head violently. [more]
Augustin OLD took sixth place in the Special of the CDIO tour with 74.45 percent.[more]
It would have been a really good Special - the Lindt Prize at the CHIO in Aachen/GER.[more]
Augustin OLD finished sixth in the Grand Prix of the CDIO tour of Aachen/GER with 74.42 percent.[more]
We got off to a good start at the week-long show in Aachen. [more]
Sartors Showtime took second place in the elementary (L) level test for young dressage horses in Grafing/GER - his first very show in the green season. [more]
My two oldies, Falcao OLD and Agrigento, were prominent guests at our show in Achleiten.[more]
Our licensed stallion Ehrenvoll won a test for young riding horses under Andrea Müller-Kersten/GER at the show in Voxtrup. [more]
The Wittig family's horses are well-known for their humor ...[more]
The secret stars of our show in Achleiten are the dogs!![more]
45,190 Euros were collected in our charity drive for the victims of the flood catastrophe in upper Autria. [more]
Eichendorff took second place in the Grand Prix qualifier for the Grand Prix Freestyle with 71.66 percent.[more]
The CDI*** in Achleiten ended today with Augustin OLD's victory in the Special. [more]
After winning the St. Georges, Biedermeier also won the Inter I at the CDI*** Achleiten.[more]
Blind Date won the Grand Prix Freestyle at our show in Achleiten.[more]
Augustin OLD won the Grand Prix qualifier for the Special in Achleiten.[more]
We would like to help the victims of the terrible floods in upper Austria. [more]
We got off to a very good start at out home show.[more]
The maker of the music for my Augustin freestyle, "Dance into the light", Michael Erdmann, composed the music for the new series of "Tatort", a police crime series in German TV.[more]
Last weekend, Ehrenvoll, Lombardei, Osterinsel and Romanze all collected ribbons.[more]
Wibke Bruns and our five-year old Rosandro daughter qualified for the Bundeschampionat today. [more]
Die Pferd international in München/GER ist zwar noch nicht ganz zu Ende, aber dennoch kann ich schon ein Resumee ziehen - und zwar ein sehr gutes, wenn wir mal vom Wetter absehen.[more]
Blind Date won the Grand Prix Special today and Choccolat won the elementary (L) level test for young dressage horses. [more]
At the Pferd International Show today, Blind Date, Eichendorff, Fackeltanz OLD and Donna Caribica all had very good placings.[more]
Both of our stallions placed today at the Pferd International Show in Munich-Riem.[more]
Our mare Equipage gave birth to a colt on May 4th at Gestüt Vorwerk.[more]
My best three horses are currently listed among the top 30 dressage horses in the world according to the FEI Ranking.[more]
... and our other horses also won tests.[more]
Our horses Della Cavalleria, Wiener Classic, Schickeria and Dijon each won a test in Wels.[more]
Our horses had a really successful weekend in Stadl Paura. Wiener Classik and Bvulgari, both ridden by Wiebke Bruns, both won their tests. [more]
This weekend in stadl Paura, both of our horses each won a test. [more]
A team from the German riding magazine, Reiter Revue, visited us in Achleiten for the April issue. The complete article can now be read under the Press menu. [more]
Both of our youngsters each won a test for young dressage horses today in Stadl Paura.[more]
Our Florencio son and Dorothee Schneider took fifth place today in the Intermediaire I. One judge even ranked them on second place.[more]
Dorothee Schneider and our stallion, Fackeltanz OLD, took third place today in the competition for professional riders at the Horses & Dreams Show in Hagen.[more]
On Wednessday evening, our mare Ruhm & Ehre at Gestüt Vorwerk gave birth to a filly.[more]
The weekend at the show Stadl-Paura was concluded with Eichendorff and Della Cavalleria OLD showing themselves from their best side again.[more]
An Easter bunny was born at our Gestüt Vorwerk in Cappeln/GER last night ...[more]
Today Della Cavalleria OLD, Eichendorff and Blind Date each won a test. [more]
Today at the CDI3* show in Stadl-Paura, Blind Date and I won the Grand Prix. [more]
Our Florestan I son placed this weekend in Herford under Helen Langehanenberg. [more]
San Francisco OLD and I decorate the cover page of the current issue of Reiter Revue.[more]
At our Gestüt Vorwerk in Cappeln/GER, a wildly colored colt was born.[more]
Today Eichendorff was allowed to dance - and that's when he's in his element: [more]
Eichendorff took sixth place with 70.40 percent today in the Grand Prix of the Meggle Tour of Dortmund/GER. [more]
After our victory in the Grand Prix we had to be satisfied with second place in the Special today. [more]
... and with a lead of more than three precentage points! [more]
At the dressage show in Ankum last weekend, our Sir Donnerhall I son took a very respectable place.[more]
The first foal by the Reserve Champion Stallion, Quinzanos, was born at Gestüt Vorwerk.[more]
Foals number two and three were born at our Gestüt Vorwerk in Cappeln/GER.[more]
In the Final of the Youngster Tour of Münster/GER, Fackeltanz OLD took second place. [more]
Great start in the new season for Sternenfänger OLD.[more]
Her name is Jamaika and she's a niece of Blind Date ...[more]
Beate, one of the puppies born this year out of Loni, our Jack Russel bitch, has gotten quite "big" already.[more]
Ridden by Dorothee Schneider, our Florencio I son placed today in the Final of the Nürnberg Burg Pokal in Frankfurt. [more]
Our very first foal for the 2013 season was born on December 1st at Gestüt Vorwerk - a filly by Totilas. [more]
The show in Salzburg ended as well as it began. Today Eichendorff won his second test at this show. [more]
Nach dem Grand Prix am Donnerstag konnten wir heute auch den Special für uns entscheiden.[more]
Two tests, two victories! We couldn't have gotten off to a better start at the Pappas Amadeus Horse Indoors in Salzburg.[more]
The German Equestrian Federation just announced the 20 most successful young dressage horses in 2012 and Augustin and Blind Date were among them.[more]
Our colt by Cassini II was licensed yesterday at the Westphalian Horse Center. [more]
We took Della Cavalleria OLD and Wiener Classic with us to Stuttgart for the German Masters so they could be trained while we were there.[more]
After taking second place in the Grand Prix, Blind Date again took second place - this time in the Special at the German Masters in Stuttgart. [more]
After our double victory in the Grand Prix Special Tour in Oldenburg/GER, Blind Date and I got off to a very good start in Stuttgart at the German Masters/GER.[more]
Both of our young stallions did a convincing job at their 30-day test in Munich-Riem.[more]
After our success yesterday in the Grand Prix, today we also won the Special in Oldenburg.[more]
With 73.19 percent, Blind Date won the Grand Prix of the Oldenburger Reitertagen in der Weser-Ems Hall in Germany.[more]
It began successfully and ended successfully - the show in Weikersdorf.[more]
The show in Weikersdorf began with four victories for us.[more]
Our two colts that were presented at the pre-selection in Vechta/GER have been admitted to the Oldenburg licensing. [more]
Last weekend, the first Vienna Masters was held in front of the Vienna City Hall, a backdrop that couldn't be more beautiful. [more]
Yesterday at the Vienna Masters, Eichendorff and I managed to take second place twice. [more]
Today in the evaluation test for the Nürnberg Burg Pokal, Dorothee Schneider rode our stallion to the pole position. [more]
Helen Langehahnenberg and the 10-year old Florestan I son put on a convincing presentation today in the Grand Prix Special.[more]
Fackeltanz OLD took second place again in the qualifier for the Nürnberg Burg Pokal at the Peterhof Dressage Gala in Perl-Borg/GER. [more]
With 68.82 percent, Fackeltanz OLD finished on second place in the St. Georges Special* at the Peterhof Dressage Gala in Perl-Borg.[more]
Charlotte Dobretsberger took fifth place with Excalibur MT, a horse my mother bred, at an international eventing show in the Netherlands. [more]
The joy is enormous! I took my tenth title in a row with Eichendorff today.[more]
A colt by our Roi du Soleil was sold to Spain at the 11th Oldenburg Elite Foal Auction. [more]
In our never ending search for talented youngsters, we took a look this extremely promising specimen in the Walding Zoo...[more]
With 72.11 percent, Biedermeier and Wibke Bruns won the St. Georges of Haid-Nettingsdorf.[more]
Fürst Khevenhüller did a convincing job in Münster under his trainer, Helen Langehanenberg.[more]
Eichendorff's photograph is on the cover of the catalogue for the upcoming NRW Elite Auction.[more]
My success at the Olympic Games in London would not have been possible ...[more]
Augustin OLD and I received 79.05 percent today in the Freestyle Final of London/GBR which meant 13th place[more]
A last time on foot in the Olympic riding stadium - to check the sound for the Freestyle Final.[more]
In the Olympic Game Freestylr Final tomorrow, Augustin OLD and I will be the fifth couple to start.[more]
Augustin OLD and I were awarded 73.61 percent today in the Special which meant 17th place so we are qualified for the Freestyle Final on Thursday. [more]
It was really exciting - the British team won the Olympic Nations Cup in a dramatic Final.[more]
Augustin OLD hat ja schon einen ausgefallen Geschmack ...[more]
London without a Visit to Harrods - Then You Wouldn't Have Been in London.[more]
Augustin OLD has also been known to like stuffed animals. [more]
While we were working out this morning in London, the flying changes á tempi that did not go well in the Grand Prix were fine again ...[more]
In the Grand Prix of London/GBR today we received 73.26 percent which meant 17th place in the end.[more]
Before things get really serious, we were able to keep our minds on something else for awhile at a Gala Evening in the Austrian House in London/GBR.[more]
During the first days, my mother was very busy taking the pictures for my diary. Now, Michi Rzepa is responsible for photographs.[more]
Today was the day of the vet check which was held in the large stadium.[more]
A colt by our stallion Roi du Soleil will be sold on August 25th at the 11th Oldenburg Elite Foal Auction in Vechta.[more]
Das war bitter - ein Sturz im Gelände bedeutete das Olympia-Aus für Österreichs Vielseitigkeitsreiter Harald Ambros.[more]
6:30 a.m. - London - Our first ride in the stadium. [more]
We've passed the gate and are now on our way to Augustin's box in the stable at Greenwich Park.[more]
Augustin OLD has arrived in the stable area for the Olympic Games in Greewich Park.[more]
Impresed by the enormous stadium, Harald Ambros and O-Feltiz were in the first dressage block in the eventing competition of the Olympic Games. [more]
It's now time to say goodby to Jill and Jules Walker's Southern Cross Stud Farm.[more]
Thanks to the courier service, the key for the house in Greenwich Park in London has arrived.[more]
Fritz Johannsmann visited us today - with his motorcycle.[more]
Wow, the backdrop of the Olympic Stadium is really very impressive for us riders.[more]
After we won the battle of being accredited yesterday, we took a little time to see London as tourists.[more]
Training at the break of daylight: with Eichendorff and Augustin OLD, who are both in super form ...[more]
Our Sakrileg qualified for the Bundeschampionat at the Westphalian Championships in Münster-Handorf/GER.[more]
Normally I would say that I am a good driver. [more]
I promised to give you a look behind the scenes in preparing for the Olympic Games ...[more]
So, people and annimals have all arrived safety in Great Britain. [more]
Augustin OLD has arrived in good shape at the Roßheide Farm owned by the de Ridder family in Aachen/GER. [more]
Dr. Uschi Barth will go with us to the Olympic Games in London/GBR. [more]
Today we start our dear Olympic Dairy again - and just in time before Augustin OLD leaves for London/GBR.[more]
Our Rosandro daughter placed today in the qualifier for the Oldenburg Riding Horse Championships in the class for four-year olds. [more]
At the Elite Broodmare Show in Rastede, Fontainbleau placed in the Brilliantring. [more]
With scores of 8.5 for type, conformation and quality of movements, our filly Raspberry made the Final of the German Foal Championships in Lienen/GER.[more]
The week in Aachen/GER ended with a successful balance sheet. [more]
Augustin OLD took fourth place in the Final of the CDIO Tour in Aachen/GER.[more]
Della Cavalleria OLD won the Intermédiaire I, Eichendorff the Grand Prix Freestyle in the CDI Tour.[more]
Just as on Thursday, Augustin OLD took third place again today. [more]
Augustin OLD took third place today in the Grand Prix of the CDIO Tour.[more]
In the CDI4* Tour Eichendorff Finished Second.[more]
Della Cavalleria OLD took second place today in the Prix St. Georges in Aachen Soers.[more]
With final scores up to 9.0, our Raspberry qualified in Klein Roscharden/GER for the German Foal Championships.[more]
Barely four weeks before the Olympic Games open, several other athletes and I were allowed to present the Olympic 'collection' for London 2012.[more]
Fackeltanz OLD took third place in the qualifier for the Nürnberg Burg Pokal in Werder/GER.[more]
At the CDI3* in Achleiten I took advantage of the opportunity to ride our new young talent, San Francisco OLD, so he could see what a show is like. [more]
Here you see 46 happy horse years together on pasture: Falcao OLD and Agrigento.[more]
Both of our mares, Liaison and Fontainebleau, received State Premium candidate status at the Oldenburg broodmare performance test in Vechta/GER. [more]
Charlotte Dobretsberger and Excalibur MT took the State Champion title in eventing for the first time in Laintal, Austria.[more]
The reactions were overwhelming. Everyone was so enthusiastic about Augustin's new freestyle. [more]
Fürst Khevenhüller won the Grand Prix for young horses in the Louisdor series in Balve/GER. The Final will be held in Frankfurt.[more]
Our show in Achleiten ended with a victory for Della Cavalleria OLD and a second place for Blind Date.[more]
Dance into the light ... the new freestyle for Augustin OLD to the sounds of Phil Collins and Genesis was a hit.[more]
Fürst Khevenhüller won the warm-up test in Balve/GER ifor the Louisdor Prize.[more]
The first day at our show Achleiten ended with two first places and a new personal best record for me. [more]
At the Early Summer Event in Klein Roscharden/GER, Sakrileg placed twice. [more]
Fontain Bleau, bred by my mother, won her very first test for young riding horses. [more]
The show week in Munich/GER ended with Augustin OLD placing in the Freestyle. [more]
Three rides were scheduled today in Munich/GER - and all three went really well. [more]
Super Auftakt bei der Pferd International in München-Riem/GER.[more]
In Redefin, Fürst Khevenhüller won the Grand Prix with 70.70 percent and then the Freestyle that followed with 76.08 percent. [more]
Das Turnier in Hagen a.T.W. war für uns ein sehr erfolgreicher Auftakt der Freiluftsaison. [more]
Eichendorff and I improved by two places in the Grand Prix Free-Style at Horses and Dreams in Hagen/GER.[more]
With 72.80 percent, Eichendorff finished eighth in the Grand Prix of Horses and Dreams in Hagen/GER.[more]
After having to be satisfied with seventh place in the St. Georges von Hagen a.T.W., Della Cavelleria OLD was much improved in the Inter I and finished third.[more]
In the St. Georges international in the Horses and Dreams in Hagen/GER, Della Cavalleria OLD was awarded 70.08 percent.[more]
We are planning to form a joint training group with Brigitte and Wolfram Wittig which will also entail joint ownership of several horses. [more]
Della Cavalleria OLD and Eichendorf made everything perfect on the last day of the CDI*** in Stadl-Paura with victories five and six.[more]
Three first places on the same day - the show in Stadl-Paura is certainly going well for me!
With 75.87 percent, Augustin OLD was the undisputed winner of the Grand Prix of Stadl-Paura.[more]
At the show in Stadl-Paura Schickeria and Wibke Bruns won a test with 73.08 percent.[more]
Fackeltanz OLD took first place in the medium (M**) as well as the advanced (S) level dressage test under Dorothee Schneider/GER at the show in Darmstadt-Kranichstein/GER.[more]
Two foals were born at out Gestüt Vorwerk in Cappeln/GER.[more]
We had some pretty good movements again yesterday in the Special of Dortmund/GER. [more]
Augustin OLD took fourth place in the Grand Prix of Dortmund/GER.[more]
With 14th place in the FEI World Ranking as of March 1st, I have qualified for the Olympic Games in London/GBR qualifiziert.[more]
In the Special of Bremen/GER Eichendorff was seventh.[more]
Second test, second victory for Della Cavalleria OLD in Bremen/GER.[more]
Eichendorff did a very nice job in the Grand Prix of Bremen/GER and the judges gave him 69.40 percent.[more]
My father has taught me for 20 years - and all my success I owe to him.[more]
He's so tiny you can hold him in your arms, but someday I bet he will be very successful in the dressage ring! [more]
The very first test in Bremen/GER was successful . Della Cavalleria OLD won the advanced (S) level dressage test which was also a qualifier for the St. Georges on Sunday.[more]