30.07.2012 | Age: 12

Olympic Diary 8: Sightseeing

After we won the battle of being accredited yesterday, we took a little time to see London as tourists.

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But there was a lot of excitement before we got off - my mother FORGOT the key for the house direct on Greenwich Park where she and my father will be staying during the Olympic Games - she left it in Achleiten. Boy, if that had happened to me  ...  I would never have heard the end of it for the rest of my life. But in this case excuses were murmured about "too much to do before" or "well, things like that can happen" and life just went on. Thanks to UPS Express courier, it looks like they will be able to get in the house very soon - and won't have to sleep under the Tower Bridge.

In London we visited the Austrian Tyrol House, the Tower, the Tower Bridge. The weather in London is fantastic: blue skies and bright sunshine. I sure hope it stays that way for the competitions - that would make everything perfect.