13.02.2014 | Age: 11

Münster: Second Victory for Fackeltanz OLD with 77.50 Percent

Fackeltanz OLD and Dorothee Schneider also set the standard in the Intermediaire I for seven to ten-year old horses.

Fotos: Becker

Dorothee Schneider and our Oldenburg Florencio I son, Fackeltanz OLD were the victors in the Final of the Youngster Dressage Tour in Münster today with 77.50 percent!! A fantastic ride: rider and horse in perfect harmony - and by the time they reached the final halt, Dorothee was beaming across her whole face. For both of them, it was the highest result they had ever received in this test.  

Just like in the St. Georg, the judges were unanimous; they all saw Fackeltanz OLD on first place and two judges even gave him more than 78 percent.