13.08.2020 | Age: 4

We are a little proud...

... the end of the year has brought a lot with it - among other things an Olympic qualification and the new world ranking list.

My two young Grand Prix "jumpers" Benny and Rocky have made great leaps forward. Benny only went to the first GP of his career in April and Rocky even only in October, and that immediately international. Since then we look back on a very successful year. Victories, placements and successes in the World Cup and 5* tournaments, among others. Munich, Mannheim, Herning, Stuttgart, Nice, Salzburg, Ebreichsdorf etc. - the list is long and impressive.  

Stefan and Fackel have also done a great job over the whole year and together we have managed to contribute a big part to the team qualification for the Olympic Games in Tokyo. For the first time since 2004 Austria has the chance to send a team. Now it is called. We have to step on the gas until then - so that the limits are met. By the way, it is really great that even the first 4 riders of this Olympic Ranking come from Upper Austria. :-) In the world ranking list we are the best Austrian couple in the new year with place 54 (previously 60th) and Stefan and Fackel are now 108th with their results. They have even improved by 8 places!

It was hard work for all of us, it sapped our nerves and our substance. But the effort was worth it and therefore 2019 was a year with many heights,......
...but 2019 unfortunately also had difficult, very, very difficult moments. Maybe I can give something back to my so dearly beloved father with what I have achieved - even if it is only a small part of what he means to me and what I owe to him. It has always been his motto not to give up and always to give his best. Even - and especially - when it is particularly difficult. I often have the feeling that he still accompanies me. And it touched me tremendously how many people my father meant not only something, but very, very much to. That gives us all comfort. But also the strength to carry on in his spirit. We miss him very much.

We are looking forward to the challenges of the new season. We think we are ready ... especially since we know that we have a team behind us for whose support we are infinitely grateful. Dear Mum, Isabell, Team Achleiten and Stud Vorwerk, dear friends - we would like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for your help and commitment in all situations.

Without you it would not be possible - and we and our horses don't want it either.